When Joe finds a unique Timepiece buried alongside the railroad track, the adventure of a lifetime begins. He was on the way to the first day of middle school with friends Carlos and Emmalein when he spied a sparkle in the dirt and uncovered the device.

Why was it buried? Who buried it? Was it part of some crime?

Questions are set aside as they hurry to school. Days later, while examining the device, Joe suddenly disappears and finds himself viewing George Washington’s spy hanging out her laundry. From there, Joe moves between a variety of time periods, discovering a lot about himself on the way.

Author: Mrs Aileen Quin Wietstruk
Raised to revere the English language and use it with precision, her career includes a sojourn as a statistical typist (where she found numbers not nearly as satisfactory as words), a legal secretary (where the misplaced comma could hang a man), and a word processing specialist who helped foreign-born doctoral candidates express their knowledge of scientific material, all while balancing the duties of wife and mother.

The Timepiece - A Children's Adventure Book

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When Joe finds a unique Timepiece buried alongside the railroad track, the adventure of a lifetime begins. He was on the way to the first day of middle school with friends Carlos and Emmalein when he spied a sparkle in the dirt and uncovered the device.

Why was it buried? Who buried it? Was it part of some crime?

Questions are set aside as they hurry to school. Days later, while examining the device, Joe suddenly disappears and finds himself viewing George Washington’s spy hanging out her laundry. From there, Joe moves between a variety of time periods, discovering a lot about himself on the way.

Author: Mrs Aileen Quin Wietstruk
Raised to revere the English language and use it with precision, her career includes a sojourn as a statistical typist (where she found numbers not nearly as satisfactory as words), a legal secretary (where the misplaced comma could hang a man), and a word processing specialist who helped foreign-born doctoral candidates express their knowledge of scientific material, all while balancing the duties of wife and mother.